Myopia Progression Control

As soon as we see that the myopia has progressed, it is useful to intervene to slow it down before it becomes problematic for the health of the eyes. In the available options, there is the specialty corneal lenses (multifocal and orthokeratology), bifocal or anti-fatigue eyeglasses or pharmacological treatments in the form of drops.
Is there a minimum age to start treatments to slow down myopia ?
No, it is never too early to start the treatments to slow down myopia. Although part of the solution is with prevention (avoiding screens, spending more time outside, not reading from too close, etc.), the earlier the myopia is treated, the better are the results. Of course, the type of treatment depends on the age and motivation of the child, notably for the wear of corneal lenses.
Are the treatments against myopia expensive?
To this day, from the corneal lenses to the pharmacological treatment, the price is around 1000$ per year in treatments. With glasses, the price can be lower, but it is not an option that is appropriate for every eyes.
I heard that by looking directly into the sun, myopia can be corrected, is this true?
No! In the 20s, William Bates wrote a publication mentioning that the vision could be healed by looking at the sun, following a precise protocol. Many were the critics against his method and in 1940, Bates reviewed his work by recommending to close the eyes in the sun. Sadly, numerous cases were listed in literature where the retina was burned by looking directly at the sun and those burns can’t be healed, meaning that the vision is permanently damaged.
Myopia progression control :
Myopia is the difficulty to see details which are far. It is usually caused by an eye too big, which brings a defocus of the image in front of the retina. Eyeglasses or regular corneal lenses can fix the image to make it focus on the retina. When the eye grows, the myopia progresses and the force in the eyeglasses or corneal lenses needs to be increased.
Apart from monetary, aesthetic or functional considerations, it is important to realize the impact of a high myopia of the health of the eyes. Patients having a severe myopia caused by an eye which is too long have a higher risk of developing:
- Retinal tear
- Retinal detachment
- Glaucoma
- Myopic maculopathy
- Macular hemorrhage
While treatments are available for those pathologies, it is preferable to prevent by avoiding a high myopia. In the past few years, numerous research have demonstrated the possibility to control the myopia progression, in addition to showing which methods work (see Current status on the Development and Treatment of Myopia).
The Clinique des Yeux de Laval offers 2 types of treatment to control the myopia progression:
- Drops (see the report of the American Academy of Ophtalmology)
- Specific corneal lenses (see the summary of many studies)(voir le résumé de plusieurs études)