Treatments & Follow-Up

You must have consulted Dr Gallant, Dr Bedard, Dr Aumond, Dre Rojas-Linares or Dr Itani in the past 6 months. Otherwise, schedule a complete eye examination appointment here.

Eye Treatments/ Follow-Up

Many treatments and follow-up care are offered to patients with diverse conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, dry eyes…

Pupil Dilatation: when required only. Allows the optometrist to better evaluate the background of the eye for the ocular health.

  • No fees for the center of the eye (macular degeneration, glaucoma…)
  • Covered by the Health Insurance Card for diabetes and for superior myopia at 5D (when the regular examination is covered)
  • $80 for the peripheral retina (severe myopia, retinal detachment symptoms).
    As many patients feels glare and blurred vision, it is recommended to not drive for several hours following the pupil dilation. (It can last up to 8 hours depending on the drops used).

Pupil Dilatation for Children (cycloplegia): when required only.

  • Allows the optometrist to be certain about the prescription (preventing the eye from forcing during the examination).
  • The glare and blurred vision last around 8 hours for the cycloplegia.

OCT Scan: when required only.

  • Allows the best evaluation of the macula (dry macular degeneration versus humid and other macular pathologies) and of the optic nerve (glaucoma and other optic nerve pathologies). Fees of $70 to $100, depending on the case.

Visual Threshold Test: when required only.

  • Allows to evaluate the smallest light intensity detected by the patient inside the central visual field (principally for the glaucoma evaluation and the maculopathy cause by Plaquenil) 40$

Consult our schedule for an appointment.